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    Multi Media
    RFID Methods & Applications
    RFID technology has faced challenges for decades, but recent advancements in antenna field propagation and reader technology have significantly enhanced tag activation rates. This improvement means the read rate of assets and inventory passing through an antenna field is now more reliable. Consequently, in 2020, our R&D department developed integration interfaces for some of our…
    Multi Media
    Election Night Dashboard for Critical Asset Tracking
    Our TSX™ Real-time Elections Dashboard provides Critical Asset Chain of Custody and Current Status/Location Confirmation.
    Categories: Elections, IoT
    Multi Media
    RFID Post-Election Asset Reconciliation
    Use our TSX™ RFID technology to efficiently receive and account for all Election Assets and Equipment returned to the warehouse.
    Categories: Elections, IoT
    Multi Media
    ThingMagic M6e RFID DEV Kit SoftReset2
    Behavior found between the M6e DEV Kit board and the Universal Reader Assistant software. After Soft Reset, or power cycle the software commands stop controlling the board. Restarting software is required.
    Categories: IoT, Tips