Advanced RFID Technology to Improve Post-Election Results

The complexities in the execution of a successful election cycle are significant. With hundreds or thousands of assets being deployed to hundreds of polling site locations and precincts, the stakes are extremely high. High stakes mean relying on election systems and software that are accurate and secure.  RFID Technology Can be a difference-maker for a…

Supply Chain Tracking of High Value Items

Supply chain tracking has gone through quite a transformation over the last few decades. With a continually growing inclusion of technology into each facet of the chain, operations have evolved and given corporations the opportunity to truly improve their bottom lines. As with any evolution, however, there are certainly glitches along the way. One of…

WMS Software Helps Eliminate Hidden Costs

Building efficiency into every aspect of an organization’s system is critical to maximizing both productivity and profits. From supply chain to customer operations and from finance to marketing, each aspect must be coordinated with accuracy. In doing so, companies are able to look at each element in their operations in order to identify weaknesses and…